This is a list of Richard D. Alexander’s book-length professional writings and editorial projects, in chronological order of publication. Most of these are available for download (click on “PDF” to the left of the entry). See the menu above for shorter works and other categories of writings.
[PDF] 1956. A Comparative Study of Sound Production in Insects, With Special Reference to the Singing Orthoptera and Cicadidae of the Eastern United States. Ph.D. Dissertation: The Ohio State University, xviii + 529 pp. [The abstract, as published in Dissertation Abstracts, is here.]
[PDF] 1967. Singing Insects: Four Case Histories in the Study of Animal Species. Rand McNally Pattern of Life Series. Rand McNally, 86 pp.
- Darwinism and Human Affairs. University of Washington Press, xiv + 317 pp.
[Available to purchase from Amazon here and from AbeBooks here].
- The Australian Crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). 376 new species, 40 new genera. Monograph 22, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, 477 pp. (D. Otte and R. D. Alexander).
[Available to purchase from the Academy of Natural Sciences here, and to view or purchase on Google here].
[PDF] 1987. The Biology of Moral Systems. Aldine de Gruyter, xxii + 303 pp.
[Available to purchase from Amazon here and from Google here].
[PDF] 1981. Natural Selection and Social Behavior: Recent Research and New Theory. Chiron Press. (R. D. Alexander and D. W. Tinkle, eds.).
- The Biology of the Naked Mole Rat. Princeton University Press. (P. W. Sherman, J. Jarvis, and R. D. Alexander, eds.).
[Available to purchase from Amazon here and Princeton here].
This website was launched in June 2010 and is a work in progress.
For more information or to become involved, contact David Lahti at [email protected].